Thursday 14 October 2010

Day 7 Orton to Kirby Stephen

Had company on the walk today, Olga a Dutch/Australian lady who is doing half of the Coast to Coast. Good to have someone else to talk to other than Geordie Boy.

Every day we play a little game. We guess how far we have walked and check it to the GPS. Always knock off a tenth of mile off Geordie Boy’s guess as he always about a tenth of a mile behind.

Another first today Geordie Boy has learnt how to open and shut gates, something he has found impossible to do in the previous 6 days.

Having Olga with us certainly improved the language and the topics of conversation were at a slightly more academic level.

Was a walk of just over 12 miles. This used to be more than we could achieve, now its just a gentle stroll.

We are at Kirby Stephen, the second biggest place we are stopping at. It is described as a bustling town! There is nowhere to eat, so it will have to be the pub again. Apparently there is a quiz tonight, the biggest event of the week. Is that bustling?

I think we are now in Yorkshire.

86 miles done 110 to go.

Dunc and Geordie Boy


  1. How nice, to go Dutch, you look a bit more wrapped up today. What have you done with your nice red hat then?
    I always thought Kirby Stephen was a singer?
    Not sure what to do tonight now the miners have all been rescued, look on ebay if you want to buy the Phoenix..

  2. Bet you showed off summat rotten for the Dutch lady! And another chance to do the same at the pub quiz! I'm off to trawl ebay for the Phoenix now. Talking of which, did Dave send you the Garry Glitter joke?

  3. You must be getting a bit stinky by now. The Dutch lady looks like she's backing off!!!

  4. Awfully sorry to correct you 'Fenix' in case you are struggling to find it on ebay.

    Am I the only one thinking John O' Groats - Lands End 2011?

    Hurry back Duncan its your turn to make tea...
